Public Notice
October 23, 2024
Public notice is hereby given that The Industrial Development Authority of Jefferson County, Missouri (the “Authority”) will hold a public hearing at 9:30 a.m. on Wednesday, October 23, 2024 regarding the proposed issuance by the Authority of its Multifamily Housing Revenue Bonds (Riverview Bend Apartments Project) Series 2024, in the original principal amount not to exceed $14,500,000, the proceeds of which will be used for the purpose of making a loan to Riverview Bend MO Preservation, L.P., a New York limited partnership, to finance a portion of the costs of the acquisition and rehabilitation of a commercial multifamily housing facility consisting of approximately 94 multifamily housing units and related facilities known as Riverview Bend Apartments located in Crystal City, Missouri on and adjacent to Flagship Drive between Sailboat Lane and Missouri Avenue with a main address of 200 Flagship Drive and including the following additional addresses:
2012 Sailboat Avenue – 2011 Missouri Avenue – 2013-17 Missouri Avenue
2011 Cruiser Cover – 2012 Cruiser Cover
2014-18 Sailboat Lane -2013-18 Steamboat Court
Interested individuals may attend and participate in the public hearing via conference call.
Following is the toll-free dial-in information:
DIAL: 1-877-230-5394
PASSWORD: 2187562
The hearing will be open to the public. All interested persons may attend the hearing via teleconference and will be given an opportunity to express their views with respect to the above-mentioned projects and the issuance of the bonds to pay the costs thereof. Written comments may also be submitted to the undersigned prior to the hearing. Additional information regarding the proposed projects and the bond issues may be obtained in advance of the hearing from the undersigned.
Donna Litton, Executive Director
The Industrial Development Authority of Jefferson County, Missouri
5217 Highway B – P.O. Box 623, Hillsboro, Missouri 63050